16: En la clase - Classroom interaction


Early Start Spanish 1: CONTENTS | HOME

Pack 1 | Pack 2
Spanish Starter Pack
1 Greetings
2 Goodbye
3 ¿Qué tal?
4 What's your name?
5 Colours
6 Numbers 1-12
7 Ages
8 Months
9 Numbers 13 - 31
10 Birthdays
11 Days of the week
12 Today's date
13 Pets
14 Brothers & sisters
15 Consolidation /
16 En la clase


Section 16 is a reference aid for the teacher

How far should you aim to conduct your first Spanish lessons in Spanish?

The teachers we have worked with found it works to do this gradually. When setting up activities in Spanish, they introduce just one or two new phrases in each session.

They carefully monitor all children's understanding of what they say, and avoid bombarding their class with too many unfamiliar phrases all at once. They find that children gain confidence once they know the teacher does not mind repeating instructions in their own language when they look a bit puzzled.

With young beginners, the teachers prefer to use the children's own language when talk about how language works, and when discussing culture and everyday life.

The video gives you some helpful starting points: you see the contexts in which simple, authentic language is used by some Spanish teachers with their classes in a Spanish primary school in Calahorra.

A Spanish teacher asks for quiet in a music lesson - You see simple word of praise used in a PE session

The teacher in the playground of the school in Calahorra asks pupils to pay attention.

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Books for teachers

We recommend these books to give you some more ideas to help you enhance your lessons with the Starter Pack. The second one is for secondary teachers, but has examples in Spanish.

Keep talking (Young Pathfinder 4)
Teaching in the target language

Peter Satchwell

Provides detailed guidance on how to ensure progression by developing the use of the target language. It gives a range of practical advice with examples on how to communicate in the classroom, discusses the importance of progression, and shows how to organise displays. It also contains an appendix of useful target language for use in the classroom in both French and German (but sadly not in Spanish).

Contents: Introduction - Communication in the classroom - Progression - Displaying the target language - Conclusion - Appendix 1: Target language for classroom interaction - Appendix 2: Common first names - Appendix 3: Bibliography - Appendix 4: Useful addresses.

February 1997, 80 pages, 240 x 180mm, paperback, 1 874016 73 9, £8.00.

How to order from CILT Publications: http://www.cilt.org.uk/publications/howtoorder.htm

Other similar books: http://www.cilt.org.uk/publications/primary.htm
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The following INSET booklet, published by ALL (the Association for Language Learning), is written for secondary school language teachers. Teachers of young beginners should implement only part of what it suggests.

It does have the great merit of including a very useful set of examples in Spanish of the sort of classroom interaction language you will find useful - so select from it with care!

Using the Target Language
Author: Carol Macdonald
Published By: Association for Language Learning (ALL) / MGP
ISBN: 1-85234-507-1
Format: 60pp A4 - Price: £7.99


  • Why use the target language?
  • Will pupils really understand?
  • Can pupils use the target language?
  • How do we keep it going?
  • What do I need to think about?
  • But how do I cope if....?
  • Is it all possible?
  • Producing a policy on the use of target language
  • Language for classroom use (list of Spanish examples, also French, German, Italian, Russian)  

How to order: http://www.languagelearn.co.uk/order_publications.htm

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