CONTENTS: Introduction: 1 Greetings 2 Goodbye 3 ¿Qué tal? 4 What's your name? 5 Colours 6 Numbers 1-12 7 Ages 8 Months 9 Numbers 13 - 31 10 Birthdays 11 Days of the week 12 Today's date 13 Pets 14 Brothers & sisters 15 Consolidation / assessment 16 En la clase |
For one expression - like "goodbye", this web site Freelang.com gave the students the equivalent in a whole list of languages. Click on the picture to link to the web site. |
One class wanted to make a display of how people say "goodbye" in as many different countries and languages as they could find. They used the Freelang.com website as a starting point, and divided them up into two groups: those that sounded similar to Spanish, and the others. http://www.freelang.com/traduction/toutes/aurevoir.html |
The Freelang.com website has a growing number of expressions in its list. The class decided to return to this project idea at other points in the course. Here is part of the list: |
Children in one teacher's class had heard of the traditional "siesta" and wanted to know if everyone really did have an afternoon snooze in Spain and Latin America. They found some historical images - like Van Gogh's painting of farmworkers snoozing in the fields (right) - but does it still happen today? They looked at some tourist guides, and found that it is still fairly common for shops, museums, churches and tourist offices to close for at least two hours in the afternoon. They found out that this was the hottest part of the day - and much hotter than they were used to in an English summer! |
Van Gogh's painting "Siesta" - farm-workers take a midday nap in the fields during harvest. |
Their Spanish link school told them that in summer most grown-ups work Monday to Saturday 9.30am - 1.30pm and 5-8pm. The small town's museum was closed from 1pm to 4pm, on Sunday afternoon, and all day Monday. The church was only open for worship in the early morning and in the evening. |
They looked at a website for the nearest large town, and found that the big shopping centres (los centros comerciales), department stores (los grandes almacenes), and supermarkets (los supermercados), mostly stayed open without a siesta from 10am - 9pm - including on a fixed number of Sundays in the year. Most of the shops were closed for festivals and public holidays. - which is a talking point in section 12. |
They found more information on the BBC's web site, Spanish Steps: (click on "Siesta"): http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/lj/cultural_notes/index.shtml |
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